A Beatitudes Monastery for New Zealand
To establish the home and of the Beatitudes Community on their own property in New Zealand and extend their capacity to offer large and vibrant retreats for individuals and large groups. The project will be done is stages.
The Community of the Beatitudes, having been in new Zealand for 30 years have established a Marian Sanctuary and a ministry offering retreats and spiritual accompaniment to people in the Diocese of Christchurch and beyond.
In 1997, the Community, a generous benefactor donated a beautiful rural property just 40 minutes from Christchurch city for the Community to live and establish a presence. The property had a modest house on it and the Community have established a small Chapel and beautiful Shrine of Mary, Mother of the Light.
But the house cannot operate as a place of Retreats and a home to the now growing Community. In the meanwhile a friend of the Community has generously yet temporarily offered the brothers and sisters accommodation in a neighbouring house. But the time has now come to establish a proper monastery and retreat house on the Community's own property.
This will allow the Community a permanent presence and the right facilities to continue their much needed ministry in New Zeaalnd.
What will it take?
Amount needed to complete
Progress to date...
The St Joseph's Retreat house offers a very limited capacity for retreats while the Brothers and Sisters of the Beatitudes Community live off-site in borrowed accommodation nearby.
Next steps
To build a large dining area and kitchen onto the St Joseph's Retreat House and to add modest accommodation wings to house the brothers and sisters of the Community of the Beatitudes.
What it looks like: