Come & See
Would you like to get to know the Community and explore a call to the Beatitudes?
“…it is to hear this call of the Holy Spirit, which, in line with the Second Vatican Council, brings about a powerful awakening of the people of God…"
(meditation of Fr. Jacques Philippe CB)
Come and spend several days with the Community to discover its charism, the liturgy, its fraternal life and its mission.
A member of the Community will be your "guardian angel" to accompany you during this experience and discernment.
To arrange a "Come and See", contact the Community with a covering letter outlining your motivation and explaining your interest in knowing the Community of the Beatitudes and its life.
Joining the Beatitudes
Before being welcomed into the Community, a person questioning a call to the Beatitudes will regularly attend a house of the Community and meet with one of its leaders. The head of the house can then decide to open an "application file" for that person and begin a first discernment process.
The head of the house in New Zealand is Sr Thérèse Assèmat.
At the end of the application, the person lives the stage of internship and welcomed for one year. This can vary according to the person's situation or state of life, This is a time of maturation of desire, discernment and discovery of the charism proper to the Community - a real school of life.
At the end of the internship comes a period of postulancy (for the consecrated branches) or probation (for the lay branch). During this stage there are courses that vary depending on the branch. At this stage, the person receives the Community Cross to wear. This stage can last one or two years.